Civil liability system of arbitrators can be divided into four modes, namely, absolute immunity, qualified immunity, limited liability and unlimited liability. 仲裁员民事责任制度可以分为“绝对豁免”、“有限豁免”、“有限责任”和“无限责任”四种模式。
As to the scope of state immunity, many countries have switched from the stand of absolute state immunity to limited state immunity. 关于国家豁免范围,许多国家先后抛弃了绝对豁免的主张,转向限制国家豁免的立场。
The Comparative Analysis of Absolute Immunity and limited Immunity 绝对豁免主义和限制豁免主义的比较分析
On the Causes for the Transfer from Absolute Immunity to Limited Immunity 从绝对豁免转向限制豁免之原因分析
Before the end of 19 century, absolute immunity principle had been implemented in the world. After that, limited immunity principle seeded. 19世纪末以前,世界上奉行绝对豁免主义,其后,限制豁免主义萌芽。
In the face of these disputes, if a country continues insisting on the absolute immunity, Private parties may not get effective relief, and will also increase the burden on the diplomatic authorities. 面对这些争端,如果继续适用绝对豁免主义,不仅可能使私人当事人得不到有效的救济,而且也会加大政府外交机关的负担。
The theory of state sovereign immunity mainly has two systems, they are named as national sovereignty absolute immunity principle and the principle of national sovereignty restrictive immunity respectively. 国家主权豁免主要有两大理论体系,即国家主权绝对豁免原则和国家主权限制豁免原则。
Starting from the concept of the liability of the arbitrators, the first part of the paper discusses the theory on the liability of arbitrators: absolute immunity theory, unlimited liability theory, and qualified immunity theory. 第一部分从仲裁员法律责任的概念入于,论述和分析了当前存在的关于仲裁员法律责任的三种理论:仲裁员责任绝对豁免论、仲裁员责任论、仲裁员责任有限豁免论。
The principle of sovereign is no longer absolute, so the state acts are not fully protected by the sovereign immunity. 国家主权原则从绝对走向相对,国家行为不再完全豁免。
Sovereign state engaged in a commercial nature, acts as a private principal, while we are willing to resolve the dispute arbitration agreement signed with the private actors, on the other hand, we advocate absolute immunity in the enforcement of arbitral awards, it seems counterintuitive. 当主权国家以私性主体身份从事商业性质活动时,我们一方面愿意与私人主体签订仲裁协议以解决争议,另一方面又在仲裁裁决执行时主张绝对豁免,似乎有悖常理。